Dare to Dream

I have a dream.

IreOluwa Bolajoko
4 min readJan 21, 2020


The things I love about my generation

Have you ever heard this popular saying, “the world does not revolve around you”. I bet you have!

Many different voices around discourage us from doing a whole lot of things, but most importantly, dreaming. It would be refreshing, better still, emancipating, to know that the world does revolve around you. I dare say that the world depends on you. Only that you have to be patient enough to find out the why and how.

There are perspectives to perception, it depends on your angle. There are degrees to temperatures, it depends on your location. There are clarities to views, it depends on your position. There are alternatives to situations, it depends on your connection. There are levels to dreams, it depends on your definition.

What is your definition of a dream?

The word dream is an ambiguous term. To someone, a dream could mean an imaginary event seen in the mind, to others it may mean a visionary scheme or an idle fancy. To yet another, it may mean hope or a wish. Many people say they have dreams, they claim to know what it means and have an in depth understanding of its concept and demands. Yet again the question comes back to you; what is your definition of a dream?

Here is my definition of a dream that can be put to test and will last: A dream is an inspiring picture of the future that energizes your mind, will and emotions, empowering you to do everything you can to achieve it. A dream worth pursuing is a picture and blueprint of a person’s purpose and potential. A dream is the seed of possibility planted in the soul of a human being, which calls him to pursue a unique path to the realization of his purpose. -John C. Maxwell, in his article ‘What is your dream’.

‘A dream’ is an imaginative term for ‘a goal’. Using the term ‘dream’ to describe the more articulate and physical structure ‘goal’, helps us to paint a mental picture of our ultimate desires. I am taken by this definition because it is that which many, if not most successful people affiliate with.

‘Everyone wants to be successful’

There are different schools of thought concerning success. However, the central idea, as many dictionaries recon, is that success is the achievement of one’s aim or goal. In Clear terms, to achieve success, you have to have a goal -a dream.

Sometimes, the path to follow, which eventually leads to success, may not be entirely clear. However, at some point in time, there are indicators, ushering the way to a possibility, which when taken advantage of, could eventually lead to a unique outcome -success. You are clear about success when you have a dream, a goal that drives you to take on daily missions in the pursuit of the execution of a larger vision -your dream.

A good dream always has to do with doing things from which other people can benefit. This kind of dream has a high chance of being successful. When it comes to career, whether one is an employee or employer, our goals or dreams is that thing we work towards daily, breaking it down into miniature tasks which we can take on, one step at a time, to either sustain a living and/or provide something others can benefit from -one of which always takes priority position when motives for success are examined. Priority of motives for success however depends on the individual. As a result of this description, much importance is therefore placed on dreams that are affiliated with our career.

Some people may work for others, and fulfill their dreams doing so. Others may need to create special entities that offer solutions to people and problems in order to record success for their invention. Both of these kinds of success exist in ways that are well distributed in many developed nations. And so here is the basis, what about the less developed nations?

Opportunities to dream

Anyone living in developing economies would agree that there are still a lot of things to be done before the state of such nations are brought to an acceptable ground. There are so many problems and by extension, countless needs. Invariably, there are so many solutions that should be calling for entertainment. However, there are not enough! Many people -who may be contributing something to the dream or solution provided by a minority of solution providers- are contributing nothing to the bank of solutions required to raise the state of the developing economies. This leaves you with one option -have a dream and provide a solution.

We humans have been equipped with much more than we think we can offer. It therefore should be pertinent for each individual to search around and within, engage high levels of thought regularly, and realize a need for which he is able and passionate enough to provide a solution.

Why should you dream?

In as much as the developing nations are starved of solution providers or dreamers or inventors, there are still quite a few who have established a dream. The fact remains this; not everyone has to have a unique dream. More of a particular invention may be what is required to sustain or uplift the status of a particular problem. Many times, dreamers who undertake existing dreams modify them to suit their mental personality or bridge a gap found in the existing dream. Whatever the case may be, the importance of dreaming can never be overemphasized.

What kind of dreamer are you? The unique dreamer or the existing and modified dreamer? Choose one and run steadily with the vision to the success line.



IreOluwa Bolajoko

I am passionate about influential leadership. My goal is therefore to lead in sustainable entrepreneurship and help others achieve the same.