How Good Style Can Boost Your Mental Well-Being

IreOluwa Bolajoko
4 min readFeb 27, 2023


Photo by Thuanny Gantuss

We all know that feeling when you put on an outfit and feel like a million bucks; it’s amazing! It’s therefore no secret that our style can have a huge impact on how we feel about ourselves, but did you know it can also improve your mental health?

Everybody has a mental condition, and it can fluctuate over the course of a lifetime. Good mental health is not a given just because you don’t have a mental disorder. So what is mental health?

According to the World Heath Organization (WHO), mental health is a crucial element of our general health and well-being that supports both our individual and group capacity to decide, form connections, and influence the world we live in. It is more specifically described as a condition of mental wellness that enables people to manage life’s stressors, develop their potential, study and work effectively, and give back to their communities.

Exercise, gardening, deep breathing, reading, and socializing are a few of the things that are frequently advised to preserve excellent mental health. Even though it’s one of the simplest ways to boost mental health every day, maintaining a strong sense of style is one activity that isn’t frequently addressed.

Here’s one useful piece of information you’ll be getting for free today; having good style isn’t just about looking good — it can also boost your mental health. That’s because good style is associated with positive emotions, self-esteem, and a sense of self-worth. In other words, style can help promote mental health. One study found that people who had a high sense of style generally felt happier and more confident than those who had a low sense of style. And having a good sense of style isn’t just beneficial for the individual — it can also help promote mental health in the community as a whole. For example, people with high styles often have positive attitudes towards life and are more likely to help others. This makes them great promoters of mental health, since they’re helping to create a positive environment where people feel good about themselves.

Though its not yet very common knowledge, there’s a growing body of research that suggests good style can boost your mental well-being. In fact, it’s been shown to improve mood and motivation levels, reduce stress levels, and even help you feel more confident.

There are a few reasons why good style can have such a positive effect on your mental health. First of all, good style can help you feel more confident in your own skin. When you feel comfortable and stylish in your own clothes, you’re less likely to feel self-conscious or anxious about your appearance. This increased confidence can have a positive impact on your mental health, leading to increased self-esteem and a decreased sense of anxiety. The confidence that comes with becoming intentional about or improving your style can help to release more happiness hormones called dopamine when you get compliments about your dressing. You care better for your body and diet when you care about your wardrobe.

Secondly, good style can help you decrease your stress levels. When you feel relaxed and comfortable in your clothes, you’re less likely to be stressed out about anything. This decreased stress can have a positive impact on your mental health, leading to increased feelings of satisfaction and well-being.

Finally, good style can help you improve your mood and motivation levels. When you feel confident and stylish, you’re more likely to feel happy and energetic. This increased happiness and motivation can have a positive impact on your mental health, leading to increased feelings of satisfaction and well-being.

Taking care of yourself through fashion doesn’t just mean looking nice; it also means taking better care of your body overall. When you start paying attention to what looks good on you and dressing accordingly, chances are that you will be more conscious about eating healthy foods as well as getting enough exercise. This kind of lifestyle change has been proven time and again to have positive effects on both physical and mental health.

In the case that improving your mental health is something that interests you, why not give some thought into how changing up your wardrobe could help? You don’t need expensive clothes or designer labels — simply being intentional with what pieces work for you can go a long way towards making sure every day feels like a great one.

So if you’re looking for ways to boost your mental health, wearing good style is an important step in the right direction. Not only will you look great, but you’ll also be feeling great inside and out. To start developing a good sense of style, it may help to follow styling blogs and social media profiles. It may not be easy, but it’s definitely worth it!



IreOluwa Bolajoko

I am passionate about influential leadership. My goal is therefore to lead in sustainable entrepreneurship and help others achieve the same.